writing is how writing develops- #NaNoWriMo inspiration
A Radiolab episode for those who love language
On the mat, there's no multitasking
TV in my queue- What's in yours?
Yoga with Adriene: Enjoying a 30 day challenge
Blue Apron: leftovers, morning rush, and a great customer service experience
November chill
Blue Apron- My First Box
Blog Action Day: Writers standing up for writers, now more than ever #raiseyourvoice
doing the thing- 5K Day at #nanowrimo
NaNo, NaBlo, NaWHOA. I said it. November is Writing Mo.nth.
Why this year is different for my #NaNoWriMo
new month, new challenge, new growth #nablopomo
picking up
when sitcom parents kiss, it matters
it's cool leather jacket time
in honor of Derek's grandfather professor, Eugene Commins
Four freedoms, updated for me
On 'Treasure: From Tragedy to Transjustice, Mapping a Detroit Story'